row($sql,$prm); if (empty($listing)) { redirect(SITE_URL); } ### İlan $id = $listing['property_id']; ### İlan verileri $ratings = $Db->row("SELECT COUNT(rate_id) AS Totalrate, SUM(rate_accuracy) as A1, SUM(rate_communication) as A2, SUM(rate_cleanliness) as A3, SUM(rate_location) as A4, SUM(rate_check_in) as A5, SUM(rate_value) as A6, SUM(rate_overall) as A7 FROM property_rates WHERE rate_property_id = ?", array($id)); $reviews = $Db->query("SELECT property_reviews.*, bookings.booking_visitor_name, bookings.booking_visitor_surname, bookings.booking_checkin, bookings.booking_checkout FROM property_reviews LEFT JOIN bookings ON bookings.booking_id = property_reviews.review_booking_id WHERE property_reviews.review_property_id = ? AND property_reviews.review_status = ? ", array($id,'2')); $photos = $Db->query("SELECT * FROM property_photos WHERE photo_property_id = ? ORDER BY photo_order ASC ", array($id)); if (!empty($listing['property_features'])) { $feature = $Db->query("SELECT * FROM property_features WHERE feature_feature_id IN (".$listing['property_features'].") AND feature_lang_id = ?", array($site_lang)); $listfeatures = partition($feature, 2); } if (!empty($listing['property_activities'])) { $activity = $Db->query("SELECT * FROM property_activities WHERE activity_activity_id IN (".$listing['property_activities'].") AND activity_lang_id = ?", array($site_lang)); $listactivities = partition($activity, 2); } if (!empty($listing['property_rules'])) { $rule = $Db->query("SELECT * FROM property_rules WHERE rule_rule_id IN (".$listing['property_rules'].") AND rule_lang_id = ?", array($site_lang)); $listrules = partition($rule, 1); } if (!empty($listing['property_close_airports'])) { $listairports = $Db->query("SELECT * FROM airport_list WHERE airport_airport_id IN (".$listing['property_close_airports'].") AND airport_lang_id = ?", array($site_lang)); } ### İlan verileri ### İlan fiyatları $today_price = $Db->row("SELECT price_value FROM property_prices WHERE price_date = ? AND price_property_id = ? ", array($date,$id)); if (!empty($today_price['price_value'])) { $today_price = $today_price['price_value']; } else { $today_price = $listing['property_price']; } if ($kur == "4") { if ($listing['property_currency'] == "4") { $today_price = round($today_price); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "1") { $today_price = round($today_price / $currency['rate_buy_gbp']); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "2") { $today_price = round($today_price * $currency['rate_buy_usd'] / $currency['rate_buy_gbp']); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "3") { $today_price = round($today_price * $currency['rate_buy_eur'] / $currency['rate_buy_gbp']); } } elseif ($kur == "2") { if ($listing['property_currency'] == "2") { $today_price = round($today_price); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "1") { $today_price = round($today_price / $currency['rate_buy_usd']); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "4") { $today_price = round($today_price * $currency['rate_buy_gbp'] / $currency['rate_buy_usd']); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "3") { $today_price = round($today_price * $currency['rate_buy_eur'] / $currency['rate_buy_usd']); } } elseif ($kur == "3") { if ($listing['property_currency'] == "3") { $today_price = round($today_price); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "1") { $today_price = round($today_price / $currency['rate_buy_eur']); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "4") { $today_price = round($today_price * $currency['rate_buy_gbp'] / $currency['rate_buy_eur']); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "2") { $today_price = round($today_price * $currency['rate_buy_usd'] / $currency['rate_buy_eur']); } } elseif ($kur == "1") { if ($listing['property_currency'] == "1") { $today_price = round($today_price); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "4") { $today_price = round($today_price * $currency['rate_buy_gbp']); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "2") { $today_price = round($today_price * $currency['rate_buy_usd']); } if ($listing['property_currency'] == "3") { $today_price = round($today_price * $currency['rate_buy_eur']); } } ### İlan fiyatları ### İlan hit counter $total_hit = $Db->row("SELECT SUM(hit_count) AS total_hit FROM hit_counter WHERE hit_page = ?", array($id)); ### İlan hit counter ### Hitcounter $pagename = $id; include_once("hit_counter.php"); ### Hitcounter ### captcha include("admin/include/captcha/captcha.php"); $_SESSION['captcha'] = simple_php_captcha(); ### captcha ### iptal tarihler $disabled_dates = $Db->query("SELECT price_date FROM property_prices WHERE price_property_id = ? AND price_condition = ? ORDER BY price_date ASC", array($listing['property_id'],'2')); $date_dis = ""; foreach ($disabled_dates as $disabled) { $date_dis != "" && $date_dis .= ", "; $date_dis .= '"'.date("Y/n/j", strtotime($disabled['price_date'])).'"'; } $date_dis = rtrim($date_dis,','); ### iptal tarihler $booking_count = $Db->row("SELECT COUNT(booking_id) AS totalbook FROM bookings WHERE booking_property_id = ? ", array($listing['property_id'])); } else { redirect(SITE_URL); } ?> <?php echo $listing['text_title']; ?>
".$listing['country_name']." - ".$listing['city_name']." - ".$listing['county_name'].""; ?> | | ".$listing['property_id'].""; ?>



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    • : ".$translate['trans_120'].": ".date("d-m-Y", strtotime($review['booking_checkin']))." - ".date("d-m-Y", strtotime($review['booking_checkout'])); ?>